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Rui Paiva

Rui Paiva, Chief of Fraud & Risk Business Unit at Mobileum

Posts By Rui Paiva

CEOs Seeing Red

CEOs have been getting a lot of press recently. It’s not surprising really as they are the ones ulti...

Rui Paiva   |     27 January 2015

Praying May Not Be The Best Security Option!

It is very easy to become complacent in business. When things are going well and customers and sales...

Rui Paiva   |     31 October 2014

Why Three is a Crowd

When big communications and utility companies go after customers, they most commonly take a three-pr...

Rui Paiva   |     19 September 2014

Assuring Assurance

I read with interest a blog written by industry pundit (and MC at our next Worldwide User Group meet...

Rui Paiva   |     5 May 2014

Loyalty breeds disruption

It is said that once you get used to something it is quite difficult to change… and when it comes to...

Rui Paiva   |     24 March 2014

Does the 'small stuff' matter?

Anyone watching the 'evolution' of the world's major social networks must be wondering what else the...

Rui Paiva   |     23 January 2014

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