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Articles on Network Security

How Mobile Operators Can Mitigate SMS Scams

Did you know malicious URLs have been attributed to 77% of global ransomware attacks[i]? Not only is...

Richard Edmonds   |     30 August 2024

Do We Really Need to Worry About Security for 5G Standalone?

— 3 Reasons to Remain Vigilant, and 4 Ways to Protect Your Network As the 5th generation of wireless...

Rajeev Chaurasia   |     21 June 2024

Are 5G's security improvements enough to protect our networks?

2024 is set to be the year when 5G will earn its stripes. According to Juniper Research, operators w...

Miguel Carames   |     15 March 2024

3 Ways to Stop the Rise of SMS Phishing (Smishing)

SMS phishing (Smishing) continues to be one of the top 10 security threats for the telecom industry....

Richard Edmonds   |     23 February 2024

5G Ecosystem Security Analysis: 6 Threats to Watch For

Unlike previous generations of networks, 5G introduces a new enterprise-oriented architecture that r...

Imran Saleem   |     7 June 2023

The Rising Security Threat of Global Title Leasing

Global Title leasing has been a widespread practice whereby service provides lease access to their G...

Saverio Vardaro   |     7 November 2022

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