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Articles on Security

Shaping the New Normal Starts Now

In six short months, the Coronavirus pandemic touched almost every corner of the world. A ‘once in a...

Sebastiano Tevarotto   |     3 July 2020

3 Strategies to Accelerate ROI from Digital Transformation

As the communications industry’s digital transformation takes shape, and the limelight shifts from c...

Bernardo Lucas   |     2 June 2020

Why a Signalling Firewall is the start and not the end to protecting your subscribers

Imagine you receive a letter from your bank informing you that attempts have been made to hack into ...

Stephen Ornadel   |     12 May 2020

Low-life Fraudsters Flourishing in Coronavirus Era

Criminals are heartlessly exploiting the coronavirus outbreak to commit fraud, often using scam text...

Arnie Bjorklund (SecurityZones) & Raymond Dijkxhoorn (SURBL)   |     5 May 2020

Dealing with Spam, Smishing, Fraud and Hacking – a Roaming Manager’s side job?

When I first started my journey in in the world of roaming, back in 2002 at T-Mobile UK, my job real...

Stephen Ornadel   |     7 April 2020

Why you need to prepare your signaling firewall for 5G today

With 5G networks now live in 24 markets around the world, things are beginning to take off. The GSMA...

Stephen Buck   |     17 March 2020

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