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In today's world, our daily interactions are more intertwined with digital experiences than ever before. The quality of our experience and how seamlessly we are connected to communication networks play a crucial role in how we live, work, and interact. Given the demands of a highly interconnected society and rising customer expectations, Communication Service Providers (CSPs) face the daunting task of ensuring the end-to-end quality of digital content delivery. This challenge intensifies as networks evolve into more complex infrastructures, encompassing high-maintenance legacy systems, emerging 5G technology, and multi-access networks. At the same time, many variables can impact network service quality, necessitating proper network management and monitoring, both in real-time and historically.

The bottom line to providing a seamless customer experience.

Swift identification, comprehension, and immediate resolution of network performance problems are essential for network operators to ensure satisfactory service quality and deliver a positive customer experience. When subscribers encounter connectivity problems, they are unconcerned about the issue root cause, be it in the network, applications, or devices. Instead, they expect to have the same high-quality experience across all their digital touchpoints. To fulfill this expectation, operators shall adopt a comprehensive approach going beyond a network-centric perspective. Instead, they need to consider multi-dimensional insights; such as device specifications, performance of individual multi-service applications, subscribers’ and network geographical locations, as well as the truly perceived subscriber experience to gain a holistic view of the service.

Device-based insights to monitor and understand usage and performance.

Many of today’s devices depend on reliable network connectivity, including mobile phones, home and security appliances, healthcare monitoring gadgets, industrial and infrastructure sensors, and more. Through the continuous analysis of irregular data usage and experience patterns across different devices, operators can gain deeper insights into potential issues under their control, and timely take appropriate measures.

Multi-service applications for voice, video, and messaging.

As applications increasingly offer multiple services, such as voice, video, and messaging, granular insights into the individual performance of these components need to be considered. The targeted analysis of specific services’ quality metrics allows engineers to understand the issues at hand better, providing valuable context for problem-solving. Additionally, the availability of a comprehensive and detailed distribution of data consumption and performance across applications, empowers service providers to quickly pinpoint the exact date, time, and component where any issue occurs.

Monitoring international services of inbound and outbound roamers.

Subscriber expectations for consistent, high-quality service also extends beyond borders. Network analytics play a crucial role in providing insights on international services, to facilitate real-time analysis, and provide reliable service assurance for inbound and outbound roamers. Monitoring roaming KPIs, such as key applications used, overall network traffic, and the interconnection between different operators’ networks, enables a swift evaluation of roaming usage and performance. Engineers can efficiently pinpoint areas with underperforming services and delve into different locations to understand the impact on subscriber experience. Additionally, a comprehensive visual representation of network usage and performance metrics, from national down to individual cell levels, can provide a quick and intuitive way to monitor KPI variations across different geographies, allowing users to focus on the root cause of service degradations.

Unleashing the power of 5G edge analytics.

With the increasing adoption of 5G, the rise of IoT devices and edge data centers establish localized processing hubs where data can be generated, collected, and analyzed with minimal latency. This transformative shift turns the network edge into an interconnected ecosystem of private and public 5G networks, facilitating efficient data management and prioritization of information to be transmitted back to central servers. Leveraging this connected edge infrastructure, CSPs can detect real-time irregular data usage and connectivity issues, offering enterprise customers improved network security, asset protection, operational optimization, and reduced maintenance costs.

Enhancing customer care with real-time subscriber insights.

Collating data from different sources to identify issues and isolate the underlying causes in real-time is essential for a positive customer experience. To ensure satisfaction, a CSPs’ contact center needs to address customer issues quickly and effectively. To do this, agents need access to relevant contextual data on devices, service quality, and usage patterns to expedite issue resolution and reduce call duration. Additionally, since agents often handle complaints about high data usage, either locally or while roaming, they need access to detailed usage history in order to check if the subscriber has used data-intensive applications, or tethering to other devices. Armed with such granular information, customer care agents can address all queries provide customers with appropriate advice to avoid excessive data charges in the future.

Assuring Network Excellence: Empowering Reliable Service and Seamless User Experience

The Mobileum Engagement and Experience portfolio of solutions comes with built-in, high-performance Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology, providing CSPs real-time and historical oversight into their network’s performance, quality of service, and perceived subscriber experience. It enables operators to pinpoint service degradations, as well as the root cause of the issues as they occur, reducing the time-to-insight and time-to-resolution. This allows them to ensure continuous customer satisfaction and maintain a loyal subscriber base.

Contact us today to learn more about how Mobileum can help you ensure that your network functions at optimal performance and delivers the reliable service and seamless experience your customers expect.

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