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How Mobile operators can help fight Coronavirus

The spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus has travelers around the world on edge. People across the wor...

Tarun Sethi   |     5 March 2020

A History of Revenue Assurance

The past 20+ years have been an evolution – and an education - for communications service providers ...

Rui Paiva   |     19 February 2020

Why ‘winging it’ with Wangiri won‘t work

Perhaps it is simply curiosity, or the fear of missing out on something, that provokes us to respond...

João Barbosa   |     4 February 2020

Fraudsters using ‘deepfakes’ definitely not faking!

Wikipedia describes ‘deepfakes’ as media that take a person in an existing image or video and replac...

Tony Poulos   |     30 January 2020

2020: Ushering in a New Era of Active Intelligence

Happy New Year! For the past decade, 2020 has been viewed as a pivotal moment in the telecom industr...

Bobby Srinivasan   |     28 January 2020

Trends that will shape Roaming in 2020 and Beyond

As we approach the end of the decade, so much has changed for the telco (especially mobile) and roam...

Vishal Gandhi   |     18 December 2019

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