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5G network slices create greater assurance complexity

The promise of 5G is just around the corner as we see network deployments accelerating across the gl...

Bernardo Lucas   |     17 December 2019

Four Ways to Reduce the Threat of Robocalls

While regulation and standards bodies are increasingly tightening the screws on scammers using roboc...

Thomas Steagall   |     11 December 2019

Why Identity Protection Must Be a Top 2020 Priority

According to the US FTC’s 2019 report on identity theft and fraud, while there was a slight dip in p...

Bernardo Lucas   |     3 December 2019

2020 Trends: Threats and Opportunities

Never have Telecom operators had so much data and such a wide range of technologies available for ex...

Bobby Srinivasan   |     26 November 2019

AI’s Role in Combating Next-Generation Fraud

Fraud is a pervasive problem for Communication Service Providers (CSPs). When CSPs worldwide collect...

Raul Azevedo   |     19 November 2019

Migrating Russian Eagles Roaming Bill Raises Revenue Assurance Questions for IoT

As we are set to reach 20 billion devices connected to the Internet of Things by 2020, we are nearin...

Carlos Marques   |     13 November 2019

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