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Keeping Revenue Leakage and Security in Check in the Era of 5G and Network Slicing

Join us at the Risk Management for 5G: Revenue Assurance, Fraud and Security Webinar on November 13t...

Carlos Marques   |     5 November 2019

Signaling Security Threats Cross Into the 5G Era

Today’s telecom networks are a complex mix of old and new technologies and protocols that create hid...

Stephen Ornadel   |     29 October 2019

Subscription Fraud: A Growing Global Threat

Subscription fraud creates over $7 Billion in losses every year for the communications industry, acc...

Jim Bolzenius   |     17 October 2019

VoLTE Roaming – Are you ready?

VoLTE (Voice over LTE) is the latest iteration of the progression of voice services across mobile ne...

Gunmeet Singh Nagpal   |     9 October 2019

WeMeet Americas 2019 - No Ordinary Event

Attending industry conferences can become tedious if you go to as many as I do each year. I classify...

Tony Poulos   |     2 October 2019

KT and WeDo collaborate on using AI to detect fraud

KT’s DL (Deep Learning) based AI module has been implemented and tested on WeDo’s RAID FMS system. T...

Sara Machado   |     24 September 2019

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