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Fraud Survey - CSPs are Underestimating 5G risks

The TM Forum recently released the 2019 edition of the TM Forum Fraud Survey, which set up to assess...

Luís Brás   |     17 September 2019

5 Steps for Assuring Edge Cloud Success

5G is all about connecting the world, and distributed edge clouds will become a big part in how this...

Carlos Martins   |     3 September 2019

Mobileum Inc. Acquires WeDo Technologies

Two strong players in Roaming, Revenue Assurance, and Fraud Management come together to further stre...

Rui Paiva   |     14 August 2019

The Future of Performance Marketing

Marketing is one of the areas most affected by the evolution of communications and the emergence of ...

Bernardo Lucas   |     6 August 2019

Diverse Risk Management Needed in the Era of 5G and the IoT

As the telecom industry shifts to a more complex infrastructure to support 5G, the need to protect t...

Rui Paiva   |     30 July 2019

As Mobile Money expands so do the risks

There is no doubt the greatest impact of mobile telephony has been connecting the unconnected. Many ...

Pedro Duque   |     23 July 2019

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