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Machine Learning is critical to extinguishing telecom fraud

Telecom fraud is still a lucrative business for fraudsters - with $29 Billion lost by CSPs worldwide...

Bernardo Lucas   |     16 July 2019

Five Forces Driving the Telecom Industry

The telecom industry is rapidly evolving, shaped by changes in technology and light-speed innovation...

João Resende   |     9 July 2019

The impact of AI on Incentive Compensation Management

Incentives are a great tool that can help align sales behavior to corporate goals, but its efficacy ...

Mafalda Póvoas   |     2 July 2019

IoT and the Connected Home

This month we have featured a three-part blog series looking at the revenue and business assurance r...

Carlos Marques   |     25 June 2019

Real-time 5G Services Bring Higher Customer Expectations

In the first chapter of our three part-blog series that takes a deep dive into 5G use cases and the ...

Carlos Marques   |     18 June 2019

The Road to 5G and Driverless Cars

As a child, I remember watching Sci-Fi programs on TV - fascinated by galactic adventures and the ch...

Carlos Marques   |     12 June 2019

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