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Articles on Internet of Things (IoT)

Network Visibility Requirements for IoT - and the Questions CSPs Need to Ask

As the IoT population looks to surpass the number of non-IoT devices by the end of the decade, it’s ...

Miguel Carames   |     1 August 2024

Being Smart about the Smart City

For telcos, capturing the smart city opportunity means retreating to old basics, but in new ways. Th...

Mobileum   |     3 February 2022

Significance of Roaming in IoT Business

With mobile penetration rates touching 100% globally, the Internet of Things (IoT) provides an excel...

Gunmeet Singh Nagpal   |     16 March 2021

Lessons from 2020 that we can take into 2021

I’m sure that we can all agree that we are ready to say farewell to 2020 and look ahead to 2021 with...

Bernardo Lucas   |     17 December 2020

Diverse Risk Management Needed in the Era of 5G and the IoT

As the telecom industry shifts to a more complex infrastructure to support 5G, the need to protect t...

Rui Paiva   |     30 July 2019

Managing Risk in 5G and IoT

Operators have spent years facing the dual challenges of spiraling data traffic volumes and intense ...

Raul Azevedo   |     7 May 2019

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